Friday, February 3, 2012

Sekine Canada's 1975 Catalogue

At last, a look at the Sekine line-up from the first years of production. An original catalogue has been delivered to my eager eyes!

Every bit of this booklet is awesome. Factory workers wearing the company's short-lived blue smocks. The lifestyle photography, set on the Manitoba prairies, features fashionably dressed couples caressing each other.  And those classic Sekine bicycles, with gleaming pie plates, chainring guards, steel rims, and reflectors. As they say in French: Bicyclette Sekine – Notre spécialité... la qualite.

I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to Lorne Shields for sending me this catalogue; which I now share with all you Sekine fans out there. Click to see the entire Sekine 1975 Catalogue